Rebecca Harms

Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments in der Grünen/EFA Fraktion 2004-2019

parliamentary assembly of the council of europe

#pace 03 | 06 | 2019 Link

Putin muss endlich die ukrainischen Seeleute freilassen  

Statt diplomatischen Druck auf Putin auszuüben, will das alte Europa, besonders Deutschland und Frankreich, den russischen Präsidenten in die parlamentarische Versammlung des Europarates zurückholen – aus falsch verstandener Kulanz. Das ist ein Fehler.   Foto: picture alliance/dpa   >>
#eastern partnership 30 | 05 | 2019 Link

Rebecca Harms on Eastern Partnership, President Volodymyr Zelenskiy and Russia’s possible return to PACE  

The 10th anniversary of the EU’s Eastern Partnership initiative provided a great opportunity for a UkraineWorld analyst, alongside journalists representing other Ukrainian media outlets, to meet Rebecca Harms, a member of the European Parliament.   >>
#pace 29 | 05 | 2019 Link

Rebecca Harms: Germany and France should stop supporting Russia’s unconditional return to PACE  

A few days ago, the International Maritime Tribunal in Hamburg ruled in favor of the Ukrainian lawsuit and ruled that Russia must immediately release   >>
#eastern partnership 10 | 05 | 2019

10 years of Eastern Partnership: Rebecca Harms at the Council of Foreign Ministers on 13 May  

On 13-14 May, the European Union will celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Eastern Partnership with its partners Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus,   >>
#livestream 11 | 12 | 2018

Debate in the European Parliament on the reform progress in Ukraine and its challenges  

The EU-Ukraine Association Agreement has entered into force 2 years ago. The European Parliament takes stock and evaluates the reforms which have been implemented so far.   >>
#ukraine 09 | 07 | 2018

Quote from Rebecca Harms on the 20th EU-Ukraine Summit  

The 20th EU-Ukraine Summit took place today, the first since the   >>
#european elections 03 | 07 | 2018

European Parliament Elections 2019: Harms not to run again  

Here is a rough English translation of Rebecca Harms explanation, which she sent out to her German Green colleagues on why she will not run for European Parliament again in the 2019 elections.   >>
#babi yar holocaust memorial center 01 | 06 | 2018

Letter to President Poroshenko on holocaust memorial project  

On May 30th, 21 MEPs including Rebecca Harms adressed a letter to Ukrainian President Poroshenko, expressing their support to the Babi Yar Holocaust Memorial Center (BYHMC)   >>
#debating europe 31 | 05 | 2018 Link

Is Russia now a strategic enemy of Europe?  

Debating Europe asked MEPs from all sides of the political spectrum to stake out their positions on this question, and it’s up to YOU to vote for the policies you favour.   >>
#europatag 15 | 05 | 2018

Europatag 2018: Rebecca's Rede bei der Pulse of Europe Kundgebung in Celle  

"Das ist vielen zu absolut, aber ich stehe dazu: ich würde für die Europäische Union streiten, mit allen meinen Möglichkeiten, selbst wenn sie so bliebe, wie sie heute ist.   >>
#debating europe 03 | 05 | 2018

Will we ever have a United States of Europe?  

"Do you want a United States of Europe?" Rebecca antwortet auf die Frage "Will we ever have a United States of Europe?" bei Debating Europe.   >>
#euractiv 23 | 03 | 2018

Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and the EU: The Road to 2020  

In 2009, the EU launched the Eastern Partnership (EaP) which so far has been one of the most successful foreign policy initiatives of the EU.   >>
#core london 23 | 11 | 2017

SPECIAL: Why the German Coalition Talks Failed  

Rebecca Harms took part in a short panel discussion with Elmar Brok, CDU, and Nadja Hirsch, FDP, after the breakdown of the coalition talk.   >>
#moldova 18 | 05 | 2017

Intervention im Plenum zur Situation in der Republik Moldau  

Meine Intervention im Plenum während der Debatte zur Situation in der Republik Moldau: "Ich glaube, dass die Europäische Union   >>
#moldova 17 | 05 | 2017

Intervention in the plenary on the situation in Moldova   

My intervention during yesterday´s debate on Moldova: "I think that these transformation countries   >>
#ukraine 17 | 05 | 2017

European Parliament signs law on visa liberalisation for Ukraine  

The President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, has today officially signed the law establishing visa liberalisation for Ukraine   >>
#tagesspiegel 24 | 04 | 2017 Link

Google soll Breitbart aus Werbeprogramm nehmen  

In dem Google Anzeigen auf Breitbart platziert, profitiere das Unternehmen von der Verbreitung von Hass, schreiben 26 Abgeordnete des Europa-Parlaments in einem Offenen Brief   >>
#propaganda 24 | 04 | 2017

Open Letter to Google to stop serving ads on Breitbart  

Rebecca Harms and other MEPs are calling on Google to stop serving ads to the hate site and comply to their own rules.   >>
#deutschlandradio 18 | 04 | 2017 Link

Referendum in der Türkei: Ein Ergebnis, das nach Überprüfung "schreit"  

Rebecca Harms hat erhebliche Zweifel, ob bei dem Referendum in der Türkei alles mit rechten Dingen zugegangen ist. Sie fordert von der EU, die Beitrittsgespräche mit der Türkei nun abzubrechen.     >>
#hromadske 10 | 04 | 2017 Link

Rebecca Harms On Democracy Shifts in Eastern Europe   

Rebecca Harms, the new head of the European Parliament group overseeing the Eastern Partnership, appeared live in the studio to discuss the current democratic shifts occurring in Eastern Europe. In particular she discusses the European Parliament’s criticisms towards the amendment forcing heads of Ukrainian anti-corruption NGOs to complete e-declarations; the European Court’s decisive action in Georgia following the takeover of the TV channel Rustavi; and how the EU’s lack of attention to Moldova has resulted in increased support for a stronger relationship with Russia in the country.     >>
#ukraine 06 | 04 | 2017

EU-Parlament stimmt für Visaliberalisierung für die Ukraine  

Heute hat das Europäische Parlament für die Visaliberalisierung mit der Ukraine gestimmt. Dazu hier ein Zitat von Rebecca Harms   >>
#ukraine 06 | 04 | 2017

Vote for visa liberalisation for Ukraine in the European Parliament  

Visa liberalisation for Ukraine will deliver greater freedom and more common   >>
#ukraine 17 | 03 | 2017

Speech on Ukrainian political prisoners in Russia and situation in Crimea   

Yesterday, the plenary in Strasbourg discussed Ukrainian political prisoners in Russia and the situation in Crimea   >>
#deutschlandradio 14 | 03 | 2017 Link

Türkische Wahlkampfauftritte im Ausland. Wie soll die EU reagieren?  

Ein Gespräch über die Entwicklungen der Beziehungen zwischen der EU und der Türkei .   >>
#propaganda 23 | 11 | 2016

European Parliament demands strategic answer to Russian Propaganda   

In a report voted today, the European Parliament describes propaganda and disinformation as strategic challenges to peace and stability in the EU.   >>